Friday, 9 October 2009

My day is made!! and I get to tick one job off the list....

I woke up this morning to a lovely kind message and a blog post all to myself!!!!!! from SparklePetal. She had bought some felt and other stuff from me and left a comment to say she was happy with them.
It made me smile and brightened my whole day. So, a MASSIVE thank you to SparklePetal who by the way, has a beautiful blog with such gorgeous pictures. Come back anytime, SparklePetal, you are always welcome. x
It is lovely when someone gets in touch, I send lots of parcels out and I sit here blogging without really having any evidence of anyone actually being out there. I suppose most bloggers are like that, but if anyone is reading this, PLEASE leave a comment to say hi, don't just lurk there in the dark. I don't bite.......much!
You know those jobs that have to be done, but you just keep finding other things to do, putting them off because you think they might be a little tricky?
Well yesterday, I did one of them!!! I finally set up the new website for V for Violet which can now be found here!
And it wasn't half as bad as I'd been imagining - in fact, once I got started, it was a whole lot of fun. I must admit that recently poor old V for Violet which has become rather neglected in favour of the more glitzy, loud, shouty 'look-at-me' Feltgirl!!
I love having the two sides to my little business, I am happiest in my little sewing room making and sewing things, but I also love all the buttons, ribbons and of course the rainbows of felt that surround me whilst I'm doing the making!
I love organising and choosing colours and finding new yummy items to put in my shop.
But sometimes, there are so many things on my to-do list that it's like wading through treacle.
However, the Make the V for Violet website can now be ticked off. It's not perfect, but it's there. Next step is to make it perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Ooo, now I feel really special! I will surely be back in the future, both for shopping and for reading your blog! I'm now off to have a look at your new V for Violet website!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    SparklePetal x
