Tuesday, 20 October 2009

What's HOT and what's NOT Wednesday!

Am joining the lovely Loobylu again with what's hot and what's not for me this week....

A little buzz of excitement..
I'm getting a really good feeling at the moment with what I'm making - that isn't to say that it's turning out great - it isn't actually, but I am soooo enjoying making. It's a kind of butterfly excited kind of feeling, like when you were a kid and you just couldn't wait to finish your dinner before getting on with the game you were playing. It's kind of the same - boring things like the ironing, and cooking the evening meal are just getting in the way at the moment.
Making a cosy home
I was only going to feed them this morning, but they looked so forlorn out there in the nippy Autumn chill that I dug out their indoor cage and after hunting for the paper and the sawdust, they are now happily installed in the utility room complete with blanket over the top at night!
It was strangely satisfying to make a little home for them. And they really did look happy.

I must add, they are my daughter's guinea pigs, and like I told her when we got them, she has to take care of them, I'm not having anything to do with them.........Hmmmmmm!

A big thank you
Flossie had a couple of days off school recently with a nasty virus. When she was better, she presented me with this lovely card to say thank you for looking after me. Inside, she wrote 'I am not entirely better but you have looked after me so well I feel a lot lot better' and she wanted to give me something for looking after her. Awwwh!
Out came this, beautifully wrapped in tissue. It was one of those teary mother moments I'm afraid, she had made it totally alone and it even had contrasting colour sides and some applique!!

The Dentist
Yes, I know, I can't believe it's there either!
This time last week, I had spent all week dreading a visit to the dentist. I was down for 'a good clean' and we would 'just have to get on with it' for the forty five minute appointment!!!!!
However, the lovely new hygienist was sooo gentle and understanding it only took twenty minutes and I could have hugged her when it was done. What a lot of worrying about nothing!! But such a relief when it's all over. Felt almost euphoric!!


Spider invasion
It must be the colder weather, but everywhere I go in our house at the moment, there is a spider. And no, it's not the same one, they are different sizes - I've checked!
Now, unless they are enormous, or running straight at me, I don't really mind them, but this is getting ridiculous - it is turning into a spider hotel. (Maybe I do need to vacuum a bit more often?!)
Turning inside out
I'm sure there is a technical term for this, but I mean turning legs and arms inside out, fairies ones, not mine. I have been attempting to make the fairy that has been on the cards for months, and after 3 attempts, I am nearly happy -
the only frustrating part is turning the little arms and legs the right way. In the end, I used one of my jewelry pliers but you have to be careful not to tear the material.
Cold tea
One of the downsides to getting carried away making things is that any cups of tea my other half makes me tend to get left until they are lukewarm or actually cold.
Then there is the dilemma - how to dispose of full cup of tea without him seeing and saying the very predicatable ' I'm not going to bother making you any more cos you never drink them...'
'Something's not quite right'
Having made the aforesaid 3 prototype Angel Fairies, there is still something wrong - the first, on the left, was far too 'girl about town' all she needed was a patent leather handbag and she'd have been off dancing the night away!
The second was more like it but a bit tall and thinner than I'd imagined.
The third, who insists on being called Sylvie, is much more how I thought she'd look, but there is still something 'not quite right'. I think I know what it is and I'm going to go now and revise it with Fairy number 4.
That is, if I can squeeze by the spiders. x


  1. I love that excited buzzing feeling! I get it too... makes me want to go and make things just thinking about it. Thanks for playing along this week! :) xx

  2. The card and gift are just the most divine things ever!

  3. I love your hot n not, really enjoyed reading it! I love your angel dolls... especially the girl about town!!...we have a spider hotel here too they jump out at you when you least expect!! (thanx for driving Lil yesterdayxx)

  4. We too have had a huge spider invasion - I am thinking that something strange is happening as they are all huge!!!
    That thank you card is so sweet, what a lovely gesture :)

  5. geez, i can identify with the cold tea thing - and it is so lovely to have one made for you - but it's so easy to get distracted!
